Hi Everyone,
I'm Michael Croft. Thanks for stopping by!

Have a look at my portfolio below. I'm looking forward to working with you and adding value to your projects.

Find Me On Linkedin


Lost Lovers Travel

Used Wordpress CMS as a base with multiple plugins. Additionally used Elementor, Photoshop, Adobe Creative Cloud + customized plugins to create travel website with shopping features

Tech Used
  • Wordpress
  • Elementor
  • AWS
  • PHP

The NFTs for Ukraine

React, Node.js, CSS, Javascript, Photoshop, Solidity, Remix to create a web 3.0 DAPP for users to mint new NFTs in a collection.

Tech Used
  • React
  • Solidity
  • Photoshop
  • AWS

Blockswap Transfer Service

Web3 Site to send and receive Cryptocurrency. Used React, Node.js, Vite, TailwindCSS, Solidity, Hardhat, Alchemy to create a Web 3.0 App where users can send and reeive Ethereum while also attaching a message and a GIF to their transaction.

Tech Used
  • Solidity
  • AWS Amplify
  • React
  • Node.JS

Equinox Mint Dapp

Used React, Node.js, CSS, Javascript, Photoshop, Solidity, Remix to create a web 3.0 DAPP for users to mint new NFTs in a collection.

Tech Used
  • Solidity
  • AWS
  • React
  • Node.JS

The Future is AI

Used React, Node.js, CSS, HTML, AWS Photoshop to create an informational website about the future of Artificial Intelligence, and GPT-AI.

Tech Used
  • AWS Amplify
  • React
  • Node.JS


Multifunction Web 3.0 App for swapping and transfering cryptocurrency, viewing NFTs and Balances, connectivity with wallectconnect, metamask, and other defi wallets.

Tech Used
  • React
  • Solidity
  • Node.Js
  • AWS Amplify

Drone Community, Directory, and News Site

Wordpress with customized plugins to create a news site with RSS feeds, a pilot network, a business directory, more..

Tech Used
  • Wordpress
  • AWS
  • PHP

Ecommerce Multivendor Shopping Site

Used Wordpress with Multivendor modified plugin to enablemultiple vendors to create profiles and sell on the site

Tech Used
  • Wordpress
  • Ecommerce
  • Elementor
  • AWS

Girl Power NFT Collection

React, Node.js, CSS, Javascript, Photoshop, Solidity, Remix to create a web 3.0 DAPP for users to mint new NFTs in a collection.

Tech Used
  • React
  • NFT
  • Photoshop
  • AWS


I've worked with a range a technologies across multiple platforms in Web Development, Design, UIUX, Cloud, Content Creation,etc From Back-end To Design

  • Front-End and Design

    Experiece with
    VS Code, React, Vite, TailwindCSS, MaterialUI, Bootstrap, Wordpress, Elementor, Drupal, Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere, Solidity, Javascript, AWS multiple facets, etc.

  • Back-End and Blockchain

    Experience with Node.JS, MySQL, Mongo DB, DynamoDB, Solidity, Truffle, Drizzle, Hardhat, Ganache, Brownie

  • Cloud

    Experience with
    AWS: Amplify, EC2, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline, Cloud 9, Lightsail, S3, Route 53, VPC, Amplify, Google Cloud Platform, Azure

About Me

I've been involved in Internet Technology and Web Development for 20 years. I have a deep passion for Web Development, creating new projects, and most importantly seeing things come to life in the finished product!

Accomplishments and Achievements


Web Development Projects


Sites launched on AWS


Tech Certificates


Web 3.0 Apps

Always learning, Always Creating